
Once upon a time -

Wait a minute!  This is not a fairy tale fiction, it is the real story of how we messed up the world we live in so much that it now messes us up.  

Like artificial chemicals, insecticides like arsenics that poison our SOIL and us in return.  

AIR pollution with smoke, smug, chemicals and gases emitted by the foods we must eat.  

WATER POLLUTION with garbage and non biodegradable plastics used to create products we use daily…  I could go on and on but we all know what is happening and who is to blame.

Pollution does not pick individuals, time or place. You do not pick pollution, pollution picks you.

As my mother use to say ‘if you have nothing good to say, then be quiet!’.

So, just once let us shine the light on people who are doing something to help, whether to fix things or establish better / more economical methods of using not abusing the resources we have.


See what we are doing about one of the major problems and how you can help in our mission to make stronger children and positive problem solvers.

Take a proactive decision  to address one of the health issues associated to air pollution -  asthma by tasting our POP UP Restaurant meals on (available DOORDASH soon). 


Who is the leader?


May is Mental Health Month